Travelling - anglický jazyk

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: babuska
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 12.09.2015
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 998 slov
Počet zobrazení: 8 781
Tlačení: 355
Uložení: 378


I would like to start with types of transport to introduce this question, because the transport is important part to realize our holidays and many hobbies. We can divide transport means into two parts. The first is public transport and the second is private. The most common and the cheapest public transport in our republic is bus, then follow the train, the tube, taxi and the most expensive is traveling by airplane. These different types of transport also depend on the distance we are going to travel. There is also a difference between public transport in town and between towns. People who take any type of transport to their work or school are called commuters. The second part in transport is private and it means for instance a car, a bike or a motorcycle. I live in Sokolov so I go to school by feet but next school year as I will start to attend some University I'll become a commuter.
In the case that we decided to travel, we have to know destination. Even a longer walk, a visit with relatives in the next village or a bicycle ride can be thought as a traveling. We can travel in many ways. The simplest way would be to go everywhere on foot. We don’t need to worry about missing the bus, running out of gas our car breaking down or getting into a car accident.
Another possibility for our traveling is to go by car. Almost every family today owns a car. Traveling by car is convenient because the car can take us quickly to wherever we want to go at the moment. Another popular means of transportation is the bus. Traveling by bus may sometimes be a little uncomfortable, but the situation is gradually improving. Buses are usually equipped with better seats, dark glass against the sun, air-conditioning, television and radio and often with toilet as well.

We can get around the city also by streetcars, trolleybus and in Prague also by subway. In this case, however, it’s not really a question of traveling. But we can’t mention the transportation by train, that‘s not too reliable in our country. When we want to get to a distant country or to a different continent, we can travel by car, bus, ship or airplane. The most attractive option is usually to travel by ship and airplane. Airplanes can take us to our destination in a relatively short period of time.
When we want to go to Prague, we must get on the bus at the bus station and after 45 minutes get off the bus. Sometimes buses don’t arrive on time, so we must wait at the bus stop for half an hour in a long queue of people and then two buses arrive and the first is usually full up or on other occasions the bus arrives earlier and we miss it.
Train journeys are more interesting than bus journeys, but train fares are more expensive. Sometimes are not very punctual. The passengers are bored and have to look at the timetable to find out when the next one arrives.
Air travel is so different. The flight is very quick and very comfortable, but people must be early at the airport to check their tickets and luggage and they also have to pay more money than in trains or buses. But sometimes the flight is delayed due to bad weather conditions, under such occasions we have to stay in the waiting zone. Once abroad, we usually get good service by the flight attendants, you might get free drinks, meals and newspapers. They usually show a film or we can listen to some music.
Another way to spend a holiday could be on a cruise. We can cruise on anything from the size of a small sail ship, a yacht, or a river barge to a large cruise liner almost the size of the Titanic. However this way of traveling is very expensive.
A lot of young people choose to hitchhike. All year round we see young people by the shoulder of the highways, or by the petrol stations, signaling for a lift. It is the cheapest way to travel and it can also be a great adventure, but it is also very dangerous.


Tourism is big business. In the year 2000, tourists spent nearly half-a-trillion dollars around the world. Europe and North America saw the Lion’s share of those receipts, but still, tourism can support and sustain economies from Africa to Asia.

Recent terrorist attacks and threats highlight the dependence of developing economies on tourism. In Bali, for example, the majority of people there were connected to the tourism industry in some way, whether as guides, hotel or bar employees, or even bank workers. A drop in tourism receipts meant a drop in their paychecks. But even in America, the situation is not dissimilar. Tourism is the second largest employer in the country, just behind the healthcare industry.

Even though the tourism industry has seen a drop in travel, many analysts still see recovery and growth over the next decade. A career in tourism is not a bad choice - everybody loves to travel. And it offers variety of jobs, both active jobs and desk jobs. Some of these jobs are on the front lines of tourism where you have direct contact with travelers e.g.; tour guides, hotel workers, bar and restaurant staff, or souvenir shop assistants. Other jobs involve planning and organization, such as working as a travel agent. Tourism is a service industry, where such a large part of the job is dealing with people who are away from home. Patience is always a virtue here. Still, tourism can be a fun area to work in. Although not all jobs will give you a chance to travel to the four corners of the earth, you can always count on meeting some interesting people.

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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