Vacations and Holidays

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: janka
Typ práce: Referát
Dátum: 21.09.2008
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 675 slov
Počet zobrazení: 10 105
Tlačení: 660
Uložení: 653

Vacations and Holidays

For us vacations and holidays mean a time when we don’t need to go to work or school. We often plan what we will do. For many people vacations and holidays mean the most beautiful time of the year.

People have different expectations for their holidays. Some want only to lie by the water and sunbathe. Others practically don’t leave their house, sit by the television, go out to have a meal, read newspapers and again sit down in front of TV. Some people spend their holiday doing sports, hiking or travelling. Other people go to their cottages where they collect mushrooms, go fishing, pick strawberries, raspberries and herbs.

A lot of people like hiking. They walk through the forest, sleep out in the open and enjoy the beauties of nature.

Holiday time is usually connected with summer. In July and August schoolchildren have their two months’ summer holidays. During that period most of the recreation centers, restaurants, camps and hotels are in function. In the Czech Republic we haven’t just summer holidays. Every year during Christmas we have a Christmas vacations. It lasts approximately one week. It starts before Christmas Day and finishes a few days after New Year’s.

It is probably the second most favourite vacations, after the summer vacations. People sing carols by the Christmas tree, walk through the snow-covered city, give presents to each other and enjoy making others happy. The Christmas holidays are a time of happiness and pleasure.

Among winter and spring we have spring holidays. The time of spring holidays varies in individual areas of the Czech republic. Mostly they are in February or March. During spring holidays a lot of families go out to search snow. If there is no snow in the city they go to the mountains. We can ski, cross-country ski, sledge, have a snow fight, snowboard and erect snowmen. Anybody who doesn’t want do sports can quietly sit in front of a cottage or hotel, breathe fresh air and sunbathe. Recreational centers often offer swimming pools and saunas.

We often take our vacations or holidays abroad. Nowadays anyone can choose any place in the world, which he would like to see. We can travel in many ways. The most comfortable way is travelling by car. Almost every family today owns a car. Travelling by car is more comfortable because the car can take us quickly to wherever we want to go at the moment. Another popular means of transportation is the bus.

Travelling by bus may sometimes be a little uncomfortable. Buses for travelling long distance usually have better seats, dark glass against the sun, air-conditioning, television and radio and often with toilet as well. Some buses even offer travellers food and drink.

When we want to get to a distant country or to a different continent, we can travel by car, bus, ship or airplane. The most attractive option is usually to travel by ship and airplane. Airplanes can take us to our destination in a relatively short period of time. Before you are ready to take off you have to buy a ticket and pass through the luggage and passport control. Sometimes the flight is delayed due to bad weather, under such occasions you have to stay in the waiting zone. Aboard, you usually get good service by the flight attendants; you might get free drinks, meals, and newspapers. They usually show a film or you can listen to some music.

Hitch-hiking is a very special type of travelling. Mostly it’s used by young people who aren’t afraid of taking risk. Some travellers get to very distant countries in this way. Young people travel mainly for improving their language and often also for fun and adventure.

When we want to travel abroad, we have to have a valid passport and it is better to have an international health insurance card. For the time of our vacations we may live in a hotel. Of this things (transport, accommodation and boarding) usually take care the travel agencies.

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Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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