Human Relationships – maturitná téma

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: verca123
Typ práce: Referát
Dátum: 19.03.2020
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 708 slov
Počet zobrazení: 3 772
Tlačení: 192
Uložení: 183

Human Relationships

Relationship is the way people behave towards each other. When two people are friendly towards each other and get on well together, we say that they have a good relationship.

Relationships can be formal – for example public relations or diplomatic relations (between countries, organizations, political parties) or informal– for example personal relationships, romantic relationships, friendship.

1The relationship between men and women in general has changed over years. Women were not treated equally to men in the past – they didn’t have equal rights. In the past women stayed at home and looked after children. They didn’t have a job and couldn’t vote. Today women have better jobs and better educational opportunities. Formally women have equal rights to men but they still do not have equal political power or it is difficult for them to get a leading position in a company. 

2. The relationship between a man and a woman– young people – girls and boys – like to go out together. The boy usually asks the girl out => we say that they go on a date. If they don’t understand each other and argue a lot, they break up /split up/. If their relationship lasts and they get to know each other, they can fall in love and have a romantic relationship. Later they get engaged and they get married. When they get married, they become a husband and a wife. Some couples have problems in the marriage and get divorced.

3.Friendship – when we make friends, we usually try to find people who have similar hobbies and attitudes towards life as we do. A friendship between a man and a woman can sometimes change into love. Friendship is very important in our life. People often say: “A friend in need is friend indeed”, it is true because friends are here to help us when we need help. Most people have a best friend. 
best friend is someone who:
- is always here for you when you need him
- he always helps you when you have problems
- he always finds time to listen to you
- he doesn’t envy when you are happy and successful 
- he helps you when other people disappoint you and let you down
- he can also forgive and forget when you disappoint him

4.The relationship between different nationalities, races, religions and social groups – in many countries the relationship towards other races, religions and social groups is very bad. In every country there live minorities (menšiny)– for example Gypsies, people who have a different colour of the skin – for example black people, Chinese people, people from India and so on. These relationships are based on prejudice, intolerance and narrow-mindedness. Sometimes people are rude towards these people because they know nothing about them and they are suspicious. People who hate other nations are called racists. People in a multicultural society must be very tolerant.

5Society and disabled people – people usually had prejudices or they were ignorant towards disabled people in the past but the situation nowadays is better because people have more information. There are many organizations that help disabled people and look after them. Some disabled people are very intelligent – for example Dr. Stephen Hawkin – he is a scientist, he writes books and lectures at the Oxford University – he cannot move and is in his wheelchair. Many disabled people are artists, actors, sportsmen – they can participate at the Paralympic Games. 

  1. Relationships between neighbors– people have different relationships with their neighbors:
    Some people get on well with their neighbours – they help each other when they need help, they visit each other and they are good friends.
    Some neighbours have a neutral relationships – they don’t see each other very often, they only say hello to each other when they meet.
    Some neighbours have a bad relationship – they don’t like each other because they argue, usually because of land, garden… This happens especially when there is a big difference between the neighbours – for example younger and older neighbours – the older neighbours don’t like loud music and so on.
  2. Relationships between the older generation /grandparents/ and the younger generation /grandchildren/
    Sometimes there are generation problems between the younger generation and the older generation. Older people usually don’t understand young people.

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