Sport topic

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: ivanus (19)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 16.06.2020
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 1 686 slov
Počet zobrazení: 3 651
Tlačení: 186
Uložení: 202


Talk about:

  1. Sport in general:
    • divide sport activities
    • the reasons why people sport
    • dangers of sport
  2. My attitude to sport + my favourite sport
  3. Sport in my country
  4. Sport facilities and equipment
  5. The Olympic Games

There is a difference between sport and games:

Sport includes all kinds of physical activities that help people to keep fit physically and mentally. It is one of the most popular leisure activities.

Games are usually played between 2 people or 2 teams. A game has certain rules, there is a referee who makes sure that the players obey the rules. The referee also decides who has won. The most popular games are football, basketball, baseball, ice-hockey, tennis and golf.

include - zahrnúť

all kinds – všetky druhy

keep fit – udržiavať sa fit

game - hra

certain - určité

rule - pravidlo

referee - rozhodca

obey – poslúchať, dodržiavať

decide - rozhodnúť

win - vyhrať


Sport activities can be divided into:

INDOOR  (halové športy) for example: gymnastics, swimming, basketball, table tennis, badminton, boxing, wrestling and so on.

OUTDOOR: for example: golf, skiing, snowboarding, cycling /bicyklovanie/, mountaineering /lezenie po horách a skalách/, hiking /turistika/, sailing /plachtenie/, water-skiing /vodné lyžovanie/, diving /potápanie/, windsurfing, jogging /kondičný beh/, fishing /rybárčenie/, athletics /atletika/ and so on.

Athletics includes these sport activities: marathon, long distance run /beh na dlhú trať/, jumping /skok/, throwing a hammer or a discus /hod kladivom alebo diskom/ and so on.

Some sports and games can be played both indoors and outdoors. For example: football, tennis, swimming, skating (speed skating = rýchlokorčuľovanie, figure skating = krasokorčuľovanie, roller-skating = korčuľovanie na kolieskových korčuliach) and so on.

WINTER SPORTS: They can be played only in winter. For example: skiing, snowboarding, ice-hockey, bobsleighing /bobovanie/ and so on.

SUMMER SPORTS: football, tennis, cycling, golf and so on

INDIVIDUAL SPORTS: cycling, swimming, skating, skiing, snowboarding, shooting /streľba/, bodybuilding /kulturistika/, weight lifting /vzpieranie/ and so on.

COLLECTIVE SPORTS: ice- hockey, rugby, tennis, water polo /vodné pólo/, fencing /šermovanie/.

The most popular collective sports are BALL GAMES – for example football, basketball, volleyball, water polo


Amateurs - amateurs are people who do sport for pleasure, not for money or as a job.

They do sport because:

  • they want to be fit and healthy
  • sport is a form of relaxation
  • sport can help us to lose weight (pomáha schudnúť)
  • they can meet many new people

Professionals – they do sport because it is their job. By doing sport, they earn their living. Most of them want to become famous and achieve success. It is not easy to become a professional sportsman. You have to start young and be prepared to work hard. You should train a lot and have a healthy lifestyle. Famous sportsmen are popular with people and they have many fans.

If you want to be a successful sportsman, you should have these qualities:

* stamina/endurance/ – výdrž

* strong will – silná vôľa

* discipline – disciplína

* the sense for fair-play – zmysel pre fair-play

amateur - amatér

for pleasure – pre potešenie

healthy - zdravý

a form of relaxation – druh oddychu (relaxácie)

to lose weight – schudnúť (doslova: stratiť váhu)

earn their living – zarobiť sin a živobytie

famous - slávny

achieve - dosiahnuť

success - úspech

become – stať sa

sportsman - športovec

to be prepared – byť pripravený

to work hard – pracovať tvrdo

a lifestyle – životný štýl


Sport can sometimes be harmful /škodlivý/ to your health. While doing sport, people can get seriously injured – for example they can get bruises (= odreniny), they can break a leg or an arm (= zlomiť si nohu alebo ruku) or even hurt their spine. (= poraniť si chrbticu). It is important to be very careful when you do sport.


* Sport is one of my hobbies. I like sport because it’s good fun and you can meet many new people. My favourite sports are …………………… I also like ball games – for example football, volleyball. I play them with my friends after school. In winter I like…………………

* I don’t like sport. I prefer …………………. (e.g. watching TV / reading books / listening to some music / going to the cinema …) I don’t like sport because …………………. (e.g. my parents have never played any sport and they never taught me to play any / I got hurt while I was playing a sport in the past – e.g. I broke my arm/leg).

Extreme sports:

* I would like to try bungee jumping, sky-diving / parachuting (skok s padákom) or rafting because they involve adrenalin and they give us the sense of achievement. I like dangerous sports.

* I wouldn’t like to try any of the extreme sports because I think they are too dangerous and I would be afraid of hurting myself.

extreme sports – extrémne športy

I would like  - chcel by som

to try - vyskúšať

involve – zahŕňať, obsahovať

give - dať

a sense of achievement – pocit, že som niečo dosiahol

dangerous - nebezpečný

to be afraid of – báť sa (niečoho)

hurt - ublížiť

attitude - postoj

prefer - uprednostňovať

break an arm / a leg – zlomiť si ruku / nohu



In our country, ice-hockey is very popluar. It has many fans. It is played in sport stadiums. It is a game played on ice between two teams who try to hit a puck into a goal with long wooden stick. The team who gives the most goals is the winner. In an ice-hockey game, there are these people present during the game:

  • the offense – útočníci
  • defenders - obrancovia
  • a goalkeeper - brankár
  • a referee - rozhodca

choose – vybrať si

describe - opísať

an aim - cieľ

between - medzi

to try – skúsiť, pokúsiť sa

to hit – udrieť, streliť

a puck - puk

into - do

a goal – bránka, gól

wooden - drevený

stick – palica /tu: hokejka/

give - dať

winner víťaz

present - prítomný

during - počas


In my county these sport games are popular: football, ice-hockey, cycling, volleyball, tennis and so on.

In summer volleyball and football are popular. Especially football is popular because many people play it in their free time and you don’t need to have expensive equipment.

In winter ice-hockey, skating and snowboarding are popular because we have long winters. Ice-hockey is very popular in Slovakia and it has many fans. We have many excellent ice-hockey players who are successful in Slovakia and also in the world. Our hockey players won a gold medal and also the international cup in the past.

divide - rozdeliť

indoor sports– športy, ktoré sa hrajú vo vnútri

outdoor sports – športy, ktoré sa hrajú vonku

both – obidvaja

and so on – a tak ďalej

especially – hlavne, najmä

expensive drahý

equipment - vybavenie

fans - fanúšikovia

successful - úspešný

a gold medal – zlatá medaila

also - tiež

an international cup – medzinárodný pohár

in the past – v minulosti


We can do sport in these sport facilities:

  • sports stadiums = športové štadióny
  • sports halls = športové haly
  • a ski rezort = lyžiarske stredisko
  • fitness centres
  • a gym = telocvičňa
  • a football field = futbalové ihrisko
  • a golf-course = golfové ihrisko
  • an ice rink /skating rink/ = klzisko, ľadová plocha – we can skate there
  • a tennis/volleyball court = tenisový/voleybalový kurt
  • a swimming pool = bazén

Sports equipment:

Gym equipment:

  • wallbars - rebriny
  • balance beam - kladina
  • rings - kruhy
  • vaulting horse - koza
  • mats – žinenky
  • climbing rope - lano
  • pole – tyč na šplhanie
  • a horizontal bar - hrazda


The first Olympic Games were held in Athens /Greece/ in 776 B.C. They had then an important political meaning. Women in Old Greece could not take part in the Olympic Games. The first modern Olympics were held also in Athens in 1896. From then on they take part every 4 years, every time in a different country of the world. The Olympic Games promote the idea of liberty and friendship between people all over the world. Only professional sportsmen and sportswomen take part in them. The symbols of the Olympic Games are the Olympic flag with 5 rings and the Olympic fire which is lit at the beginning of the Olympics. It is a dream of every sportsman and sportswoman to take part in the Olympic Games.

harmful - škodlivý

while - počas

while doing sport – počas športovania

seriously - vážne

injure - poraniť

people can get seriously injured – ľudia sa môžu vážne poraniť

bruises - odreniny

a spine - chrbtica

important - dôležitý

careful - opatrný

you should – ty by si mal => You should be very careful. = Ty by si mal byť veľmi opatrný.

were held – sa konali

Greece – Grécko

B.C. /before Christ/ - pred Kristom

then - vtedy

a meaning - význam

take part – zúčastniť sa

from then on - odvtedy

every 4 years – každé 4 roky

every time - zakaždým

different – rôzny, rozličný

promote – podporovať, hlásať

the idea - myšlienka

liberty - sloboda

friendship - priateľstvo

all over the world – po celom svete

the Olympic flag – Olympijská zástava

the Olympic fire – Olympijský oheň

rings - kruhy

lit – zapálený /minulý čas od „light“/ =: The Olympic fire is lit at the beginning of the Olympic Games. = Olympijský oheň je zapálený na začiatku Olympijských hier.

a beginning - začiatok

a dream - sen

every - každý

a sport event – športová udalosť

a sport competition – športová súťaž

* What are the advantages / disadvantages of being a professional sportsman? (Aké sú výhody a nevýhody toho, keď je človek profesionálny športovec?)

* Would you like to be a professional sportsman? Why? Why not? Explain. (Chcel by si byť profesionálny športovec? Prečo? Prečo nie? Vysvetli.)

* Which of the games do you like playing or watching? How often do you play or watch them? Who do you play or watch with? (Ktoré z športových hier rád hráš alebo pozeráš? Ako často ich hráš alebo pozeráš? S kým ich hráš / pozeráš?)

* Would you go to a stadium to watch an important match? Why? Why not? Explain. (Šiel by si pozerať dôležitý zápas na štadión? Prečo? Prečo nie? Vysvetli.)

* Do you have a favourite sportsman or a sportswoman? Describe him/her. (Máš obľúbeného športovca alebo športovkyňu? Opíš ho/ju.)

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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