Services topic

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: ivanus (19)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 16.06.2020
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 810 slov
Počet zobrazení: 1 975
Tlačení: 161
Uložení: 148

Services topic

Talk about:

  1. The reasons why people use services – príčiny prečo ľudia používajú služby
  2. Services offered in our town – služby používané v našom meste
  3. You and services in our town – ty a služby v našom meste
  1. The reasons why people use services

People usually use services when they want to:

  • improve their homes /interior design, shopping…/ – zlepšiť / zdokonaliť svoje domovy
  • improve their skills /educational courses/ – zdokonaliť svoje zručnosti
  • have their hair done /hairdresser/ – dať si urobiť vlasy
  • have other things done:
  • have a coat cleaned at a dry-cleaners – dať si vyčistiť kabát v čistiarni
  • have the house decorated – dať si vymaľovať dom
  • get some rest /leisure services/ – oddýchnuť si
  1. Services in our town

These services are offered /ponúkané/ in our town:

  • Dry-cleaner’s - čistiareň
  • Bank services – bankové služby
  • Financial services – finančné služby /OVB/
  • Insurance companies – poisťovacie spoločnosti /Allianz, Kooperativa…/
  • Estate agencies – realitné kancelárie
  • Travel agencies – cestovné kancelárie
  • Educational services – vzdelávacie služby
  • Other services – ďalšie služby:
  • key making – výroba kľúčov
  • shoe repair – oprava obuvi
  • computer repair – oprava PC
  • shopping services – nakupovanie
  • leisure services – služby na voľný čas

Dry-cleaner’s – you can have your coat or clothes chemically cleaned at a dry-cleaner’s, but you have to pay for this service.

Bank services – there are many banks in Cadca /VUB, SLSP, Tatrabanka, OTP…/ => they offer these services to their clients:

  • loans – pôžičky
  • mortgages – hypotéky
  • insurance – poistenie
  • credit cards
  • you can open a bank account – môžete si otvoriť bankový účet
  • you can exchange money when you go on a holiday to a foreign country – môžete si vymeniť peniaze, keď idete na dovolenku do zahraničia

Travel agencies – they offer these services:

  • you can buy or make a reservation for a holiday
  • you can book accommodation – môžete si objednať ubytovanie
  • you can buy airline tickets, bus tickets – môžete si kúpiť letenky, autobusové lístky

Educational services – in our town you can attend many different courses /navštevovať veľa rôznych kurzov/, but you have to pay for them. For example you can learn foreign languages, you can learn how to work with a computer. You can attend an accountancy course /účtovnícky kurz/ and so on. You can attend these courses for example in Akadémia Vzdelávania, KERIC…

Leisure services – people can use leisure services when they want to spend their free time actively. For example in Cadca they can go to a fit centre, to the cinema, to a swimming pool or a sauna and so on.

  1. You and services in our town

I often use leisure services in our town – I sometimes go to the cinema with my friends, but not very often because tickets are expensive. I like to go to the fitness centre or to the swimming pool. When I finish school and find a job, I will probably open a bank account in a bank.

My mother sometimes uses dry-cleaner’s, when she wants to have her coat cleaned and she usually asks me to collect it /= požiada ma, aby som ho vyzdvihol/. I always use shopping services in our town.

I think that it is good that shops are opened on Sunday, because some people don’t have time to do their shopping during the week, so they go shopping on Sundays. It is also good, because when friends come to visit us on Sunday and we don’t have anything to offer them, we can go and buy some food in a shop – for example crisps /zemiakové lupienky/, coffee, cakes and so on. On the other hand, people who work on Sundays and at the weekend, don’t have much free time, because they have to be at work and so, maybe, it would be better if the shops were closed on Sundays, so they could have more time to spend with their families.


sofa – pohovka

on sale – na predaj, vo výpredaji

cupboard handles – kľučky na kuchynskej skrinke

interior design – interiérový dizajn

use /júz/ – používať

offer – ponúkať

have to – musieť /You have to pay for this service. = Musíte za túto službu zaplatiť./

buy  - kúpiť

foreign languages – cudzie jazyky

attend – navštevovať /attend an accountancy course = navštevovať účtovnícky kurz/

course – kurz

spend free time – tráviť voľný čas

swimming pool - plaváreň

expensive – drahý

probably – pravdepodobne

collect  - vyzdvnihnúť

during the week – cez týždeň

cake – koláč

on the other hand – na druhej strane

maybe – možno

It would be better if the shops were closed on Sundays, so they could have more time to spend with their families. – Bolo by lepšie, keby obchody boli v nedeľu zatvorené, takže by mali viac času na svoju rodinu.

complain – sťažovať sa

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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