Health And Diseases Essay

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: ivanus (19)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 18.06.2020
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 524 slov
Počet zobrazení: 1 809
Tlačení: 134
Uložení: 152

Health And Diseases Essay 

The World Health Organization has defined health as a state of physical, psychical and social prosperity and not only as the absence of disease.

More and more people of today seem to realize that a good health means a longer and happier life. Therefore they take a better care of their life than before: they eat healthy food, practice different kinds of sports, and try to avoid stress situations, cigarettes and alcohol as much as possible. A healthy, strong and beautiful body is an ideal of the majority of people. It is not very difficult to pursuit this aim living in a country with a highly developed welfare system. Medical care for the citizens is provided from before birth to death. But in the countries of the Third World there are still too many people starving and epidemics of plague, cholera, small-pox, typhus and malaria are part of everyday life.

The programme of the World Health Organization includes organizing international medical conferences and the development of the welfare systems especially in the countries in the Third World, the inspection and prevention of illnesses, advisory and informative service concerning epidemics. A great part of medical research is realized on the basis of cooperation and coordination among different countries, more recently, especially the research of cancer and AIDS.

AIDS is one of the most serious diseases which threaten people nowadays. It is a viral disease that impairs the immune system of the human body, which thus can get any infection. Those infections, not dangerous for healthy people, may be mortally dangerous for AIDS patients.

AIDS was first identified in the USA in 1981. Since that time increasing numbers of cases appeared all over the world. According to the WHO, there are about 10 million people infected. It doesn’t mean that they all will develop the disease, but all of them are able to infect other people. First AIDS patients were all homosexuals, later it was identified also among intravenous drug abusers, hemophiliacs and other persons who had received blood transfusions and the children of these people.

AIDS is caused by a virus named HIV-1. It infects the white blood cells. Most people, whose immune system has only recently been infected, look and feel healthy. Their condition gets worse after some years. The typical AIDS symptoms appear: persistent fever, fatigue, weakness and diarrhea, weight loss, swelling of lymph nodes, armpits or groin.

AIDS is transmitted by direct contamination of the bloodstream with HIV-1 containing blood or semen: by sexual intercourse, transfusion and use of the same needle for intravenous drugs. Normal everyday contact with an infected person is safe; the virus is not passed on through touching objects used by the infected persons or shaking hands. The virus itself is not very strong; it doesn’t survive on open air.

AIDS is incurable so far, though many countries spend a lot of money trying to find a cure and give hope for the future. But the prevention is better than cure, so there are large campaigns all over the world telling people all about AIDS to prevent them catching this disease.

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