Health, Diseases, Human body

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: macxo
Typ práce: Referát
Dátum: 01.01.2009
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 864 slov
Počet zobrazení: 14 919
Tlačení: 768
Uložení: 855

Health, Diseases, Human body

More and more people of today seem to realize that a good health means a longer and a happier life. Health, together with love, is the most precious gift that people have.

How to prevent from illnesses

If we want to be fit, keep our mind and body in a perfect state and balance we should:
-  eat healthy food (healthy nutrition)
-  practice different kind of sports
-  try to avoid stress situations, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs
-  have an activity in the fresh air
-  have good sleeping habits (sufficient sleep)

Everybody in our country has the right to choose a doctor. Medical care is provided for our citizens from birth to death.

Children´s diseases

Soon after birth each child is vaccinated against such illnesses as:
-  tuberculosis (TB)  *  tetanus *  whooping cough (kiahne)
-  measles (osipky) *  polio  *  cold
-  chickenpox (smallpox) *  mumps *  diphtheria

Each school child is under medical supervision which means that he or she has to undergo a series of preventive medical and dental check ups where:

-  his body is examined
-  his teeth checked
-  his eyesight tested

When we grow out of our children´s diseases we don´t have to go to the doctor so often.

Common infections
Most often we suffer from  common infection like:
-  cold  *  headache *  toothache 
-  flu (influenza)  *  tonsilitis *  bronchitis 
We try to get over our illness easily by staying in bed, taking pills or drops, keeping warm, sweating, gargling and drinking herbal tea with honey or lemon. After a couple days we should feel better again. But if we still feel unwell, we finally decide to see our local doctor, who is called a General Practitioner (GP).

At the doctor´s

We have to wait in the waiting room until the nurse invites us into the consulting room. The nurse has to look for our medical record and wants to see our insurance card. Then she takes our temperature, checks the blood pressure, takes the blood , puts urine through lab tests. After all we are ready to enter the surgery.

The doctor usually asks us how we feel, what problems we are having or what´s bothering us. If we suffer from a headache, a sore throat, a cold or a cough we have to say about it. Then the doctor asks us to strip to the waist because he or she must examine our chest, listen to our lungs and heart.

We have to take a deep breath or stop breathing according to his orders. Finally the doctor diagnoses the case and therapy, prescribes for us some medicine (prescription) and sets a date when we should see him again. Then we go to the pharmacy (to the chemist´s in Britain) where we get:
-  antibiotics,pills *  gargle *  syrup
-  vitamins  *  ointments *  powder

We have to take a medicine according to the doctor´s advice. Every household should have a well-stocked first-aid box. It should contain: a clinical thermometer, cotton wool, bandages, plasters, scissors, some pain killers and so on.

More serious illnesses

Sometimes the situation may be more serious and needs a special treatment in hospital, e.g.:
-  heart attack  *  pneumonia  *  jaundice
-  stroke *  concussion  *  blood poisoning
-  insomnia *  salmonellosis  *  appendicitis
-  breaking an arm or a leg

In the hospital the injured people are examined and X-rayed.Very serious cases are immediately operated on in the operating theatre (room). Doctors who work in hospitals we usually call specialists, e.g.
-  surgeons *  psychiatrists *  internists
-  oculists *  gynaecologist *  dermatologists
-  paediatrician *  ear and throat specialists 
-  orthopaedic specialists

Fatal illnesses

We also call them incurable diseases because we still aren´t able to cure them. There belong: Cancer and AIDS that are the last world threats.
AIDS was first identified in the USA in  1981 at homosexuals and drug abusers. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nowadays there are more than 10  million people infected.

It is caused by a virus which was named HIV-1. The virus damages the immune system of the human body by infecting white blood cells. It is transmitted by blood. Normal everyday contact with an infected person is safe, it means you cannot catch the virus by touching objects used by infected person or shaking hands. The cure vaccine for AIDS has not been discovered yet, although many countries of the world spend a lot of money trying to find a cure. Prevention stands in the centre of attention and it is better than a cure.


1.  How to prevent from illnesses?

2.  What are considered to be children´s  illnesses?

3.  How can we cure a cold without going to a doctor?

4.  What does a nurse do before you enter a surgery?

5.  What does the doctor want us to do before and  during the examination?

6.  What does the doctor say after the examination?

7.  What kind of medicine can we get at the pharmacy?

8.  What are more serious diseases?

9.  What kind of specialists do you know?

10. What kind of incurable diseases can you name?

11. What is AIDS?

12. When and where was it first identified?

13. Can AIDS be cured?

14. How do you take care of (care for) your health?

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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