Culture and Art

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: macxo
Typ práce: Referát
Dátum: 01.01.2009
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 901 slov
Počet zobrazení: 21 643
Tlačení: 1 069
Uložení: 998

Culture and Art

General definition of art is: It is the creation of something that is “ aesthetically pleasant”.
Things which generally come under the arts are following:

Literature – which includes novels, short stories, biographies, drama and poetry.

Fine arts –  referring to (vzťahuje sa na ) painting sculpture and architecture.

Performing arts (predvádzacie umenia)- they are represented by dance, opera, cinema, TV, theatre, ballet and concerts (rock, classical, country and western music).

There are different point of views on culture and art. For many people art is useless because it does not feed our body or clothe people, it does not heal the sick and so on. In spite of this fact  we realise that the art has always had  its steady place in our life.

The aim of the culture and art

The art is here to:

- to entertain and educate

- to develop and cultivate (podporovať rozvoj) inner life of a human being (človeka)

 feed the mind and stimulate imagination (povzbudiť, posilniť predstavivosť)

 give the impression and emotions
The arts in all their forms attract large audience (publikum, diváci).


At the theatre keen theatre goers (nadšení, vášniví návštevníci divadla) can watch various plays, musicals, operas and ballets . We usually book (=reserve) tickets in advance (=some time before you see the play). When we see the play (or film), it is called performance (predstavenie).


Films are shown on a screen (plátno, obrazovka). Films made in foreign languages, e.g. in English usually have subtitles (titulky) or they are dubbed  (dabované).

The person who makes the filmis the director, e.g. Steven Spielberg, and the people in the film are actors or actresses. Very famous actors are often called film stars.

Types of film:
war film, e.g. Pearl Harbor
wester = horse opera, e.g. Vinetoe
thriller (napínavý film) – very interesting an exciting, often about crime, e.g. Silence of the Lambs
disaster movie, e.g. Titanic
action film,e.g.James Bond or Indiana Jones – these films are full of stunt men (kaskadéri)+ special effects
horror film, e.g. Dracula
detective film, e.g.
comedy (=funny film with gentle humour that makes you laugh), Four Weddings and a Funeral, Home Alone
romantic film (=a love story), Pretty Woman
science fiction film, e.g. The Alien
cartoons, e.g. Mickey Mouse
feature film (celovečerný film = hraný)

Films can be:

- brilliant = superb (vynikajúci, skvelý)
- violent (= scenes including fighting and death)
- awful = dreadful (strašný)
- slow (= very boring)
- gripping (exciting+interesting = napínavý)
- very enjoyable (veľmi zábavný)

My favourite film – description:
It is a …………………………………………………………….(give the name and type of the film).
The opening night (premiéra) was …………………………. (e.g. several years ago).
………………………………… stars in ………………………(who  stars in the film,? = kto hrá hlavnú úlohu vo filme).
…………….. …………………….is a supporting actor (herec vo vedľaqjšej úlohe)………………………………
The film is set (=happens – sa odohráva ) in………………………………………….. (give time and place).
The main characters (hlavné postavy)……………………………………………………………………………………..
The plot /story = subject is about (brief summary)………………………………At first (=in the beginning) everything is fine, but then things go wrong = problems appear in the situation ……………………………

Arguments for going to see films :

– Film is much more real and you can feel atmosphere better
– It takes less time, it means you can get the whole story in two hours. Reading books is time consuming.
It can take a week to read the book.
- Going to the cinema is a social event and fun because you can go with your friends. When you read a 
book you have to do it on your own.

Arguments for preferring books:

– We can use our own imagination.
– We can see it how I want to see it.
– We can get much more sights (pohľadov) into character, we know what he or she is thinking.

Which arguments =opinion do you share?- S ktorým názorom sa stotožňuješ?

– bookworm – knihomoľ

– infant prodigy – zázračné dieťa


Types of music:

Classical music, e.g. Beethoven, Mozart….
  This type of music is written by a composer (skladateľ) and performed by an orchestra (= a large
  group of musicians – violinists, cellists, pianists, guitarists, drummers..). The orchestra has a conductor (=a person
  at the front who directs the musicians). Some music has a choir (= a large group of singers).
Opera (= a play in which the words are sung), e.g. Carmen by Bizet, Nabuco by Verdi………I am a big laymen (laik)in opera because I am not interested in it.
Rock and pop music, e.g.U2, Madonna, Robbie Williams.Pop music stylespunk, rap, hip-hop
  Most bands/groups have a lead singer, a lead guitarist (guitar with 6 strings), a bass guitarist
  (4 strings) and a drummer (bubeník).

Common phrases that we use to talk about popular music:
– Madonna plans to release a new record for Christmas.–Madonna plánuje vydať nový album na Vian.
– Have you heard the latest album by Madona? – Počul si Madonnin najnovší album?
– Her new single is number one and its tune (melódia) is very catchy (chytľavá).
– Different people have different taste in music. – Každý má iný hudobný vkus, páči sa mu niečo iné.
- Madonna´s new album is out next week. – Na budúci týždeň bude Madonin album v predaji.
– What´s on tonight? – Čo je dnes na programe?

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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