Shopping and services, Types of shops

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: wanna (18)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 23.11.2020
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 606 slov
Počet zobrazení: 2 983
Tlačení: 136
Uložení: 142

Shopping and services

  1. nákupné zariadenia (obchody, hypermarkety)
    b) služby (pošta, banka, polícia)

Shopping – an activity of going to the shops and buying things.

Costumer – is someone who uses a product. It´s someone who buy things from shops.

Department stores vs. small shops

Department stores advantages

- we can found everything under one roof

- you find there whatever you want from bread, meat, vegetables, to newspaper or flowers

- there are often discounts

- some of the biggest supermarkets also have a café where we can relax with a coffee and a cake, spend some time with our friends

Small shops advantages

- small shops saves our money

- they saves our time

- it is good when we need just one thing, for example a bread, so we go to the small shop and buy it and we don´t have to go any hours after department stores

- it´s good for old people

- they offer everything fresh

Department stores disadvantages

- they are often full of people

- sometimes we spend a lot of time waiting to pay for our shopping

- we often buy there a lot of things which we usually don´t need so we spend a lot of Money

Small shops disadvantages

- they don’t have wide range of products, there is some things what we don´t buy there

- usually products are much more expensive than in supermarkets

Some people like shopping and someone else don´t. I like shopping only when I have money and when I can buy something for myself. I especially like shopping before Christmas because I like the Christmas and that atmosphere in the shops is amazing.

We know these kinds of specialised shops:

  • Greengrocery– fruit and vegetables (tomatoes, apples, kiwi, strawberries, tangerine/mandarinky, banana, cherry, peach..)
  • Grocery– food (tea, coffee, sugar, soup, oil, butter, cheese, eggs, jam..)
  • Butchery – meat (beef, lamb, poultry, sausages, bacon, ham)
  • Bakery – breads and cakes (buns/buchty, roll/rožky, bread..)
  • Tobacconist – cigarettes and tobacco
  • Confectioner or sweet shop – sweet and ice cream (sweets, candies, cake, lollipops..)
  • Florist – flowers (tulip, rose, daffodil/narcis..)
  • Newsagent – newspapers and magazines
  • Men’s wear and women’s wear - clothes and dresses
  • Stationary – paper and office supplies (paper, diary, calculator, notebook, pen, pencil..)
  • Jewellery – gold, silver jewellery (rings, necklace, ear rings, piercings..)
  • Toyshop – toys (dolls, teddies, pram/kočiar, car, games)
  • Electrical appliances shop (electronics) – TV-sets, radio-sets, vacuum cleaner, hair-dryer, shaver, iron, freezer, lamp, washing mashine, grill, cooker, fridge,mixer..
  • Chemist – medicine
  • Healthy food shop – soja, wholemeal, full corn bread, musli, low fat food, sugar free
  • Post office – stamps, envelope, telephone-cards , newspaper, films, bus tickets, top-up cards...
  • Shoe shop – shoes (sandals, shoes, slippers, flip-flops, football boots..).
  • Optics – glasses h
  • Car shop – sells cars and car staff.
  • Bookshop – book and postcards

Bank - provide financial services for people. We can pay for our goods and services in cash or by bank card. Each bank has a cash dispenser/cash machine and we can withdraw our money any time we want. People usually do this throught a cash machine, using a bank card.

Post Office – it´s service which uses almost everybody today. We can send a letters or the other important documents by post. Nowadays there is faster way – the internet, but there are still some people who take services by post.

Police – the cops are there for us, the people. They have to protect us and also our country. In Slovakia the police is divided into two groups, the city and the state police. They have for example discipline people who behave badly or people who drive a car drunk.

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Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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