
Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: wanna (18)
Typ práce: Učebné poznámky
Dátum: 25.11.2020
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 922 slov
Počet zobrazení: 2 309
Tlačení: 132
Uložení: 133



Compare the means of transport in the pictures. Which of them have you used? Which one would you like to try? Give reasons why.

Picture 1 (balón)

I can see different means of transport in the pictures. In the first picture there is an air balloon. In the past it was a real means of transport but now it serves just like an attraction for tourists. I have never tried it because it´s very expensive but I would like to. It must be an adventure.

Picture 2 (jachta)

In the second picture I can see a ship, maybe a yacht /jót/. I have never travelled by a ship. I think yachts are for rich people to spend holiday sailing. But I´d like to try it.

Picture 3 (lietadlo)

In the next picture I can see a plane. People use the plane when they travel a long distance. Last year I travelled by plane on holiday to Mallorca. It was very interesting but I was a bit afraid. I don´t remember much from the flight.

Picture 4 (auto)

In the last picture I can see a car. The car is a very common means of transport. Cars are comfortable and quick but they are not safe. They also pollute the environment. Travelling by car is rather expensive. I have/don´t have a driving licence.

What do you need when you travel abroad? (documents, kind of information)

When I travel abroad I need my passport or ID – if it´s to the countries of EU. Sometimes we need visa e.g. to the USA, Canada, Australia, Russia etc. Then I must book the tickets and accommodation via the Internet and study all necessary information: address and phone No. of our embassy, police, what currancy I need and what´s the rate, weather – if it´s cold or warm, what to wear – clothes and shoes, special habbits – e.g. in muslim countires. I think I should learn a few expressions in the language of the country I travel to and I should buy a small pocket dictionary because not everywhere it´s a must to speak English.

Why and where do people travel?

Every day hundreds of people travel from one place to another. They travel to work or school (we say they are commuters), on business, many people travel for pleasure – on holidays. Young people travel abroad to study or to work. Many girls and boys work as au pairs – babysitters – in British or American families.

Give pros and cons of different means of transport.

We can travel by plane, by train, by bus or coaches, by car, by ship and by bike.

People travel by plane long distances. It´s very fast, comfortable but expensive. At the airport we have to show our flight tickets and passports, then our hand luggage is checked because metal objects and liquid is forbidden. In the plane steward and stewardess show passengers their seasts and offer drinks and refreshment. Before the plane moves there are signs „Fasten your safety Belts“ and „No Smoking“.

Trains are used daily by many people. They are cheap and safe but not very clean and comfortable. We know slow trains which stop at every station and fast trains which are faster and more comfortable. Trains on longer distances have sleeping car and dining car.

Coaches are buses for long distances. They are rather comfortable. You can buy some drinks, tea or coffee there. During the holidays, travel agencies offer many coach trips to mountain or seaside resorts (Croatia).

Travelling by cars is comfortable, fast but expensive and not very safe. The advantage is that you can stop when and where you want. The disadvantage is that cars pollute the environment and there are a lot of traffic jams.

Many people all over the world like travelling by bike. Some people go to school or work by bike or go cycling just for pleasure as a hobby. It´s healthy and cheap.

Travelling by ship is not very common. Some rich people have yachts and go sailing on holidays. Travel agencies offer so called cruises – it means you spend your holiday on a big ship which looks like a floating hotel. There are rooms, bars, restaurants, cinemas, swimming pools, cassinos, gyms etc. You can visit many countries because the ship stops in big ports. I´ve seen such a ship just on TV – e.g. „Queen Marry“.

How would you prepare for a long backpacking?

Backpackers are people who prefer travelling by their own. They don´t need a travel agency. They arrange everything – book tickets, accommodation, visa, money etc. What I would prepare for long backpacking? It depends on the season of the year. If I travel in summer I´ll pack light clothes – T-shirts, shorts, trainers, flip-flops, hat, sun-cream, swimming costume, sun glasses etc. Also food, water, money and credit cards, passport or ID. But I´m not a Globe-trotter. I prefer spending my holiday in a seaside resort, sunbathing, lying on the beach, having drinks in a pool bar etc.

How do you get to school? Describe the journey/way.

I´m a commuter. I go by bus every day. The journey lasts about 30 minutes. .................

Which countries would you like to go to in the future? What would you like to do there?

Každý sám

3. Simulation

You want to travel from London to Manchester by train. Make questions you would ask to get information about depart/arriving time, platform, price and other services.

Good morning. I´d like to travel to Manchester. When does the train leave London? Thanks. And what time does it get to M? Thanks, Which platform does it leave from? And how much is the ticket? I don´t want one way ticket I need a return ticket. I´m a student. Do I have any benefits?

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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