Education téma

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: verca123
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 18.03.2021
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 832 slov
Počet zobrazení: 3 552
Tlačení: 157
Uložení: 135

Education téma

We distingush between severals stages of education:

• pre-school education – it is not compulsory (povinný)
• primary education
• secondary education
• university education

British system of education:

In Britain is school attendance from the age of 5 to the age 16.
- Pre-school education = NURSERY SCHOOL (škôlka)
- Primary school = at the age of 11 pupils (žiaci) choose secondary school
- Secondary school = COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL – it is type of secondary school. 94 % of
students in Britain attend comprehensive schools. There are no entrance exams (príjmacie
skúšky). At the age of 16 pupils can: * take school-leaving exams in 6 or 7 subjects and they
can get General Certificate of Secondary Education
* can to go to school up to the age of 18 and take
advanced exam (pokročilá skúška) called A-level exam
which is important for university
- Universities = OXFORD, CAMBRIDBE and many others

Schools --- state school
--- private school
--- church school
In Britain is a lot of private schools – it is called public schools – mainly boarding school = students live, sleep and eat in school. Schools uniforms is compulsory for all students, it is rule. Public schools are very strict about uniforms – girls wear blouse and skirt with white long socks and boys wear trousers and shirt. Every pupil wear on the uniform badge (odznak) of the school. Public schools are expensive; parents of the pupils have to pay for tuition (vyučovanie, vzdelávanie)
The most boarding school in Britain is Eaton – princess Diana went there. 

Educational system in U.S.A.: 

- Pre-school
- Elementary school = kindergarden : from the age of 5 = it is 5th grade (ročník)
- Middle school = 6th, 7th, 8th grade
- High school = 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grade; After 12th grade pupil take exam in all subjects which is called SAT exam – School Achievement Test. Subjects are compulsory and optional (voliteľné).
- Universities = HARWARD, YALE

Private schools = you have to pay
State schools = PUBLIC schools (naopak ako v Británii)
95 % of students attend public school because there are free charge (bez poplatkov)

Slovak system of education:

School attendance in Slovakia is compulsory from the age of 6 to 16. There are several stages of education:
- Pre-school education – is voluntary and it prepares children for compulsory school attendance. Pre-school education includes crèches (jasle), kindergartens and special kindergartens for disabled children (postihnuté deti).
  • Primary education – is divided into two stages: the first stage with grades 1-4 and the second stage with grades 5-9. Primary school provides children with a general education usually in subjects: Language, History, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Arts, Religion or Ethics and Physical Education.
    - When the children finish primary school, they can choose what type of secondary school they want to attend for the next four years. There are different types of secondary schools in Slovakia: gymnasium and various kinds of vocational (odborné) and technical schools.
    Vocational and technical schools – agricultural (poľnohospodárske), nursing (zdravotnícke), electro-technical, performing and fine arts schools (umelecká), business and hotel academies. This schools prepare students for their future professions but they also offer a general education. Other 3-year secondary vocational schools prepare students for practical jobs. Student graduate after passing final examinations called maturita in the 4 subjects.
    Gymnasium – offers general theoretical education and prepares students for higher education.
    Maturita = matricular exams has two parts: the written (pupils write test) and the oral. After successfully pass the examination students will receive their school-leaving certificate.
    - Post-secondary education – (nadstavba) is a new trend in professional education, specialising in such fields of study as accounting, information processing, computer technology, tourism (cestovný ruch) and entrepreneurship (podnikanie).

- Higher education – lasts (trvá) from 4 to 6 years and is provided by colleges and universities. Students have to pass an entrance examination (vstupné skúšky) to be admitted (prijatí) to U. There they can study: law, medicine, economics and journalism, agriculture, engineering, drama and fine art. Students can go to three-year courses – bachelor´s (Bc.) or five-year courses for master´s (Mgr.) degrees. In order to (preto aby) get his university diploma, a student must do a thesis (diplomovka) and pass the state examination (štátnice).

In Slovakia are co-educational (baby+chalani). The school year starts on September 1st and finishes on June 30th. Students get school reports at the end of January and June. We have marks from 1 to 5.A lesson lasts 45 minutes and breaks are usually 10 or 15 minutes. Classes start at 8am and finish at 1:25pm or 2:20pm.

Our school building has 3 floors + basement (suterén). In basement is several classes, snack bar, and school canteen. In the 1st floor are the administrative offices, including the headmaster’s office. There are also gym and classes and offices of teachers. Many schools offer various after-school activities for students, like sports, drama, photography…

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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