Housing and my dream house

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: filomena (19)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 06.10.2021
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 479 slov
Počet zobrazení: 2 619
Tlačení: 107
Uložení: 117


We all are influenced by place where we grow up. Our whole life is about places where we live, stay or work. There is a time in our lives, when we want to settle down and create our own home. Everybody has a dream house.

About my dream house

Living in towns or villages has both advantages and disadvantages. In the cities, on the one hand, there are lots of opportunities for job, better school possibilities, good social life, sports facilities and cultural events and there are shopping malls and centres. But on the other hand, cities are often polluted, noisy, crowded and it’s often very hectic place.

The air is mostly polluted by fumes from factory chimneys but also cars. There is often a mess and dirt in the streets. In towns there can be high level of crime, what is often a problem because of pickpockets, burglars, shoplifters, murderers etc… People can live there in houses, but mainly in block of flats. We can find housing estates in the cities, where live a lot of people in block of flats.

A lot of people move to villages because of peace, quiet and healthy way to live. When people don’t want to stay so far from town, but also stay away, there are suburbs, what is compromise between towns and villages.

We know several types of houses.

British people prefer to live in houses rather than flats. They live in terraced houses, back-to back houses, semi-detached houses, detached houses or bungalows. Terraced houses are built in a row, back-to-back houses share one back wall, semi-detached houses are joined together by one common wall, detached houses stand alone and bungalows are built on one level.

Typical British house has two storeys and is set in a small garden. Garage is attached to the house. Upstairs they have one big bedroom and two smaller ones, a bathroom and a lavatory.

In American cities there are apartments situated in large apartment buildings, it is called condominiums. Many Americans live in detached houses.

Slovaks often live in flats in housing estates, like I mentioned before. We have lots of housing estates in Slovakia.

The furniture in British and Slovak rooms is not very different. The sitting room has a settee, armchairs, some wall unit with a hifi-system, TV set and DVD player and some coffee table. Most British houses have a fireplace because of the cold weather there. In the Kitchen there is cupboard, sink, cooker, fridge freezer and usually also table with chairs. There is also bedroom in the house. Bedroom usually includes double bed and built-in wardrobes.

Both Slovaks and British people love gardening. Slovaks usually have bigger gardens behind their houses and they spend time with growing some vegetables and fruit. British gardens are smaller and more often used to relaxation.

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Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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