MATURITA 2023 – riadny termín anglický jazyk
Predmet: anglický jazyk
Úroveň: B1
Téma: Man and Nature
Your friend from Britain would like some information about your attitude towards the seasons in your country. Write a letter (160-180 words) to him/her, in which you will mention the following points:
• your favourite season, giving reasons,
• the influence of seasons on your personality and everyday activities,
• the
climate conditions in which you would most like to live, giving reasons.
Čo si myslíte o téme? Bola pre vás jednoduchá alebo náročná? Podeľte sa o názor v diskusii pod článkom.
Pozri aj: Oficiálne Testy a Témy Maturita 2023 aj s odpoveďami.