Human relationship (topic, essay, vocabulary)

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: wanna (18)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 20.03.2023
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 879 slov
Počet zobrazení: 988
Tlačení: 72
Uložení: 66

Human relationship (topic, essay, vocabulary)

Human relationship describes the way people get on with each other, talk and behave towards each other. Relationships are created between parent, children, married couples, friend, men and woman, employees and employers or neighbors. The quality of relationships with others reflects our own personality. It is our choice who we talk to, how we treat other people, how much time and energy we are willing to spend with them.
Nowadays, human relationships are very complicated. Many people are stressed out, busy and tired. A full-valued relationship is something that cannot be bought for money. It is about feelings, empathy, understanding, trust, care, politeness and satisfaction.

Families are the basic social units in which informal relationships are formed. Besides others, one of the most important roles of a parent is to raise their children in accordance with social models and patterns of behavior. It means that children observe how their parents talk; behave to their relatives, friends, colleagues and strangers. Then they behave accordingly in their adulthood. There are also many arguments between parents and their children. Children often have different ideas about their future and different life expectations than their parents have. Older and younger people do not understand each other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits and behavior.

Human relationships are short-term and long-term. Some relationships last forever form early childhood. Some of them are created for a short period of time. It is the same with marriages. Normally, two people get married because the, want to spend their whole life together. A happy marriage represents the ideal human relationship in which each partner feels free to be what he or she is by nature.

A good relationship with parents is also important. Most people look for a perfect partner. Teenagers fall in love with people of other sex very quickly. We say they go out together. Two people are having some kind of romantic relationship. he marriage are placing new responsibilities on young people. If you are married you must support your family, help your partner with the care of children, you should find a well-paid job. Life would be easier if you thought that your wife or husband is you best friend. This relationship is based on honesty and respect for each other’s feelings. Some couples have problems in the marriage – for example: 

- they don’t understand each other
- they argue a lot (because of money, they don’t like their new relatives and so on.)
- one of the partners can start having an affair / romance / a flirt => he/she falls in love with somebody else and finds a lover.
If there are too many problems in the marriage, they can get a divorce.

Sometimes there are generation problems between the younger generation and the older generation. Older people usually don’t understand young people. I have a good relationship with my grandparents. I often visit them. We usually talk about my school and television programs. We often discuss the television news.
I also have a good relationship with my parents. I can tell them about my problems and they always listen to me and help me. With my father we usually discuss football and hockey.

Friendship id relationship between people who have something in common, spend a lot of time together, support and help each other when necessary. Friend are people who laugh together, speak about everything, share secrets. They accept each other as they are. T rue friend are people who are always there for you.

Friendship – when we make friends, we usually try to find people who have similar hobbies and attitudes towards life as we do. A friendship between a man and a woman can sometimes change into love. I think that friendship is very important in our life. People often say: “A friend in need is friend indeed” /V núdzi poznáš priateľa/ and I think it is true because friends are here to help us when we need help. Most people have a best friend. 

best friend is someone who:
- is always here for you when you need him
- he always helps you when you have problems
- he always finds time to listen to you
- he doesn’t envy when you are happy and successful 
- he helps you when other people disappoint you and let you down
- he can also forgive and forget when you disappoint him

I have good relationships with my family. I have very deep and open relationships with my parent and sister Lucy. I have many friends, who always here for me, when I need you. I have boyfriend, who I very love.

Besides marriage and friendship, there are other sort of formal relationships forms among people at school, work and in the streets. Formal relationships are not very deep and open. They are formed among people of different social positions: teacher and students, employers and employees, doctor and patient etc. Such relationships require respect and higher level of formality and politeness.

reliable – spoľahlivý
understanding– chápavý
responsible – zodpovedný
fair– férový
trust– dôvera
loyal- lojálny
warm-hearted – dobrosrdečný
helpful– nápomocný
sincere– úprimný
polite – slušný
kind– milý
to have a sense of humour – mať zmysel pre humor
friendly– priateľský
sociable – spoločenský
hospitable – pohostinný
generous – štedrý
hard-working – usilovný
practical – praktický
sensible– rozumný
talkactive – ukecaný
honest– čestný
envious – závistlivý
envy– závidieť
to be fond of gossip – byť klebetný
hypocrite– pokrytecký
stubborn – tvrdohlavý
suspicious– podozieravý
quarrelsome – hádavý
greedy– chamtivý
coward – zbabelý
mean – lakomý
selfish – sebecký
jealous – žiarlivý
rude– drzý 

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