Someone who I really like

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: ivka47
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 15.11.2023
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 458 slov
Počet zobrazení: 550
Tlačení: 31
Uložení: 29

Someone who I really like

My sister Bety

Bety is my small sister. She is eleven years old. She lives in Kotešová, in our house. She is very nice. She´s tall and slim. She´s got blond straight hair of shoulder-lenght. She is a pretty girl with brown eyes and a small nose. She´s got freckles.

She is friendly, quiet and plain. I think Bety is gorgeous – she is reliable and helpful. She likes playing tennis and badminton – and is really excellent at it.

Bety likes swimming and dancing, too. She goes to dancing school. She looks great when she dances.

I like her, because she´s my little sister and is unique.

My cousin Veronika

My cousin Veronika is a nice person. She lives in Rajec near the town Žilina.

Why do I like her? Well, that´s a difficult question. There are many reasons, but one of them - maybe the most important - could be explained as follows: When I am sad, she advises me on some suitable solution, she gives me her support. Veronika is a person who knows how to give an advice.

She abhorts it when somebody harms other people. She is quite frank and intelligent, too. And what does she look like? She´s got fair, medium-lenght hair. She is tall an slim.

She sometimes wears glasses.

She is my „adamant oak“.

My grandpa

I like my grandpa very much. His name is Jozef. He is sixty-one years old and lives in Veľké Rovné – in that part of the village which is called „Potoky“. He

was born there and visited the primary scholl there, too. Later he became a mechanic. He worked in a factory for a quite long time, but nowadays he is a pensioner.

His wife´s (and my grandma´s) name is Mária. My grandparents got married in 1967. They have got four children - one of them is my mother, Anna Lamlechová. Her siblings are: Mária

My grandpa is tall and slim, but he´s got a fat tummy. His body height is 178 cm. His eyes are brown. He´s got short grey hair. It´s curly.

My grandpa is a good man, but he´s strict, too – when he says something, he stands by it very firmly. He is a busy, hardworking man – he gets down to work, when there is something to do in the household or all around the house. He´s got a sense of humour – he often tell us very good jokes.

I like him and I know that he likes me, too. He supports me in my favourite sport, football. He understands me, because he played football long ago – he played for the village team of Veľké Rovné. He is a very good scorer.

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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