Education – maturitná téma

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: paulushqa
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 11.01.2011
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 970 slov
Počet zobrazení: 89 525
Tlačení: 1 296
Uložení: 1 157


Education is really important these days, because if you want to suceed in our high-developed society, you need a good education. That´s the main reason why many countries devote so much attention to their educational systems and try to improve them.

There are some differences between school systems in Slovakia and another countries. We can compare schoolsystem in Slovakia and England.


In Slovakia is compulsory school attendance from the age of 6 to the age of 16. In England it is from the age of 5 to the age of 16


We can choose between state schools, church schools or private schools in both countries.


In Slovakia school year starts on 1st of September and finishes on 30th of June. After a half-year get the students school reports.

In England  school year starts and finishes as in Slovakia, but  it´s divided into 3 terms:

Autumn Term (from September to Christmas)
Spring Term (from January to Easter)
Summer Term (from Easter to July). School usually starts at 9am and lets out between 3:30pm and 4pm.

In British schools students usually have to wear a school uniform consist of a shirt, tie, blazer with a school badge and dark skirt (for girls) or dark trousers (for boys). British schools are very strict about is no cheating. If you cheat, you might even be expelled.


1. Pre-school education is voluntary and designed for children, who are not old enough to go to school. It prepares children for compulsory school attendance. It encludes creches, kindergartens and special kindergartens for disabled children. Creches can attend children until they´re 3 years old. Than they can attend kindergartens until they´re 6 (in Slovakia) or 5 (inEngland). After kindergarten go children from both countries to school.

2. Primary education is very different between Slovakia and England.

In Slovakia is primary education devided into two stages – the first stage (it´s from the first to the fifth class/grade), the second stage is from the sixth to the nineth class.

In England is primary education divided into two stages too, it´s Infant School (for 5 to 7 years old) and Junior School (from 7 to 11 years old children). It means, that in England finish primary education at the age of 11. In an Infant School a teacher usually has an asistent, who helps with subjects like reading, art and practical lessons.

In both countries children have got the same teacher for all lessons for a year.

Primary school provides children with a general education – pupils study leanguages, Maths, History, Geography,  Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Arts, Physical Education and Religion.

3. Secondary education
After primary school can pupils choose, which type of secondary school they want to attend for the next (usually) 4 years. In Slovakia there are many types of secondary schools. They can choose between gymnasium, or vocational and technical schools (agricultural, nursing, electro-technical, performing and fine arts, bussines/hotel academies).

Gymnasium offers general theoretical education and prepares students for higher education; some of them could be specialized in a specific subject (maths, languages...). Studium is 4 years long and finish with  school-leaving examination (= matricular examinations). It´s written exam (national standardized tests)  and oral exam from 4 subject. Students who succesfully pass the examination will receive their school-leaving certificate and can apply for studies at universities and colleges. After graduation they can go and pass an entrance examination to be admited to university.

Vocational/technical schools prepare children for future professions and graduation is by passing final examinations in theoretical and practical subjects.

In England are secondary schools very large and pupils usually attend the school which is nearest their home. There are no apprentice or vocational or music school in Britain. In secondary schools can students at the age of 14 drop some subjects and choose others. Compulsory subjest are English, Maths, science and a foreign language. At the age of 16 students should take GCSE (= General Certificate of Education) examinations in 5 to 8 subjects. At the age of 18 they can take more demanding exam called A-level exams in three subjects. The exam is required when you want to go to university.

In Slovakia secondary school students have on average 30 to 32 lessons a week. A lesson usually lasts 45 minutes. Students can choose many after-school activities like sports, drama, hiking or another. During the year each student can take part in school competetions and the best students (if they win the school round) then can take part in higher rounds, finally in the Nationals.

4. Post-secondary education
It´s new (non-university) Professional education specialising in accounting, information processing, computer techology, tourism and enterpreneurship. The study lasts 3 years and is completed by final exams.

5. Higher education
It lasts from 4 to 6 years and is provided by colleges and universities. If students pass an entrance examinations, they can study everything from law, medicine, economics, journalist and pharmacy to agriculture, engineering, drama and fine art. Students can enrol in three-year courses for bachelor´s fegrees or five-year courses for masters degrees. Student can get his university diploma, he has to at first successfully complete and defend a thesis he has researched and written and then pass the state examination (=state boards) in his field of study.

In England there are many prestigious universities like Oxford university,or Cambrige university and that´s really tough to get there.

School buildings usually looks very much alike. They are usually big 3 – 4 floors- buildings with playgrounds, gyms, and another sport facilities (basketball court, football pitch, swimming pools…). On the ground floor are usually cloakrooms (= lockers), the school canteen, the staff room, the administrative officers including the headmaster´s office.

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


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