Family – My future

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: maturanti
Typ práce: Referát
Dátum: 23.08.2012
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 871 slov
Počet zobrazení: 16 365
Tlačení: 696
Uložení: 600

Family – My future

Family is a group of people consisting of one or two parents and their children, who share certain aims, values and live together in one home. It is the most important social group, which provides protection, education, socialisation, care for the aged, sick, disabled or people who lost the job and need some help.

We learn here all the skills that we need for life: how to get on with people and be tolerant, selfdisciplined, polite, helpful and how to communicate. It fulfils a biological, sociological, emotional, economical and educational function.

There is a lot of different family structures. We differentiate among nuclear, extended, reconstituted, foster parents and single-parent families. The nuclear family basically consists of two generations of family members living in the same household. Extended families consists of three or more generations. Single-parent families involve a single person plus dependant children.

The reasons why these families are formed is an increase in the numbers of people divorcing, pregnancy outside marriage and the death of a marriage partner. Reconstituted families are also called step-families. One consequence of high rates of divorce and remarriage is an increase in the number of families headed by step-mothers and step-fathers.

This type of family is becoming increasingly common. If we have our own parents or not, they give us love, protection, responsibility, support... Unfortunately, there are children, who are orphaned or abandoned. They grow up in orphanages or foster families where  they get love from non- biological parents and siblings.

There are charity organisations that look for parents who would like to adopt such children. Adopting a child is a very long process. Couples have to go through different checks on their origin, age, financial situation, relationships, living condition...

Family is the product of historical development. Modern European families are monogamous  and egalitarian. The average age for marriage is much higher than it was in the past. The majority of young people get married  in their late twenties or early thirties.

There are no prejudices against women and men who don´t get married before a certain age. In the past they were marked as  spinsters and bachelors. Nowadays, they are recognised as people who either live with sb in the same dwelling or as people who don´t want to be tied down by marriage. Living together without being formally married is called cohabitation.

The wedding is a formal act that takes place in a town hall or  in a church, where they promise to live together in good and also in bad times. Despite this promise, it is often broken. The common reasons are different interests, lack of faith, financial reasons, living with parents and parents-in-law, addiction to alcohol, drugs or gambling.

My autobiography:

Your future:

My family:

(describe your family members)

Children can help at home in the following: 

GIRLS can:

wash the dishes(wash up) – umyť riad
-  clean windows
-  do the ironing – žehliť
-  do the hovering – vysávať
-  tidy up the house – upratať
-  water flowers– poliať kvety
-  cook lunch (dinner) – uvariť obed (večeru)
-  make breakfast – urobiť raňajky
-  take the rubbish out – vyniesť von smeti

BOYS can:

help their father in the garage – pomôcť otcovi v garáži
-  work in the garden
-  cut the grass / mow the loan – pokosiť trávnik
-  wash the car
-  change a lightbulb – vymeniť žiarovku
-  repair (fix) things that are broken– opraviť veci, ktoré sú pokazené

My family usually meet on these occasions:

- birthday
name’s day
wedding- svadba
funeral- pohreb
christening - krstiny
Christmas- Vianoce
New Year’s Eve – Silvester

Family leisure time:

Most families spend time together at the weekend or during holidays. They can:
-  stay at home and watch TV
-  go out for a trip– ísť na výlet
-  do some sport– športovať
-  go to a cinema / a theatre / a restaurant
-  go for a visit(visit friends, family – grandmother, aunt…)
-  go for a walk – ísť na prechádzku


Parents look after their children. They should have a friendly relationship with them. I think that they should be willing to listen to their children when they need them and they should always help them. They should talk to them and try to find solutions to problems together. On the other hand, they should teach them to be polite and tolerant to other people.  Parents shouldn’t spoil their children. 

Problems between parents and their children - parents can also have problems with their children because:

Teenagers want freedom – they want to spend time with their friends and they want to make their own decisions

Parents want control over their children - parents complain that the children don’t want to listen to them, that they are cheeky, impolite. They don’t respect adults and older people. 

Teenagers complain that their parents don’t understand them and control them all the time.

-  Teenagers spend a lot of money

-  Parents often complain, their ch. are lazy-don´t help with domestic chores, don´t learn to school...

Relationships between the older generation /grandparents/  and the younger generation /grandchildren/

Sometimes there are generation problems between the younger generation and the older generation. Older people usually don’t understand young people. I have a good relationship with my grandparents. I often visit them. We usually talk about my school and television programs. We often discuss the television news.

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