Audionahrávka MP3: Jobs

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: sp-prace (16)
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 06.05.2013
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 920 slov
Počet zobrazení: 8 661
Tlačení: 550
Uložení: 528

Audionahrávka MP3: Jobs

MP3 audionahrávku vypracovanej maturitnej témysi môžeš vypočuť kliknutím na nasledujúci odkaz:


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Topic number 9: Jobs....

People need a job because they have to earn Money for themselves and their family. They want to achieve something in life. People in the work meet new people. Without work are not cakes. This way we don´t only earn money but also find our place in society, spend time with people and feel useful.....

They choose the school to study what they are interesting in by the study at the university they are getting to know and to be orientated in their future jobs. It depends on the selected job what will be in the future and how we will live.....

People need to work because: They need money to cover their living costs – to buy food, to pay for electricity, to pay bills... They want to make the most of their talent... For some people their job can also be their hobby....

We know: 1.) Physical work. For example: a mechanic, a plumber, a carpenter, a builder, a miner, a fireman and so on...

2.) Mental work. For example: a lawyer, an architect, an accountant, a designer......

Labor market.

It contains two groups of people:

1.) Economically active population. A group of people who are willing and are able to work and people who still searching. This group also includes self-employed people and employees.

2.) Economically inactive population. people who are the retired, the disabled, the sick or those who don´t wish or are unable to work...

Other things which labor market contains:
Employment is a contract between employeer and an employee. The employer is a person who hires employees. People who have their own business are self employed. The unemployed are people who lost their job, quit or were fired. They live on unemployment benefit support and are on a list in job centres, which help them find a new job.....

Selection of the employees. when people search for a new job, they look at several factors, such as type to work, possible promotion and career development, salary, working time, travel opportunities, place of work and others. The available positions are published in the newspapers or on the internet. The candidates send the job application and their CV together with a cover letter. Their CV should include personal data and details about education, skills and work experiences.....

Recruting new staff. the best candidates are invited to an oral interview. At the interview, they usually answer questions, decribe their motivations and expectations. Candidates should prepare well for the interview, find information about the organisation or the company, answer clearly and stay calm. Successful candidates are offered a job with a starting salary, positions, medical benefits and vacation days.....

The unemployment in Slovakia.
Slovakia is still a country with relatively high unemployment compared with western europe. Unemployment in Slovakia is around 12%. It is not because the slovaks would not want to work. The reason is lack of good jobs. While in bratislava unemployment is below 5% in the districts of southern and eastern Slovakia is worth more than 20%. Therefore the people of these regions are more considering leaving to work abroad.....

Types of contract:
Permanent, temporary, full-time employment, part-time contract and contract upon order....

There are several ways how to find a job. You can: Look at job advertisements in newspaper or on the internet. Ask your family, friends and acquaintances if they know about any job vacancies. You can go to a job centre or to an employment agency and ask for help....

When you find a job advertisement, you have to contact your future employer either by post, telephone, or e-mail and find out if the position is still free. If it is, you have to write a CV, in which you include all the necessary information – your personal data and details about your education, qualifications and special skills (for example computer skills, driving licence …). Then you send your CV together with a cover letter (a letter that offers more detailed information about you), to your potential employer. After that you should prepare for the job-interview......

If you are looking for a job, you should find out these informations:
What is the working time? What is the salary ? What are my duties, responsibilities? When would you need me to start?....

Working and bringing up children:
Raising a child is the hardest, most responsible and satisfying task a human being can face. When they have a child, one of the parents must go to a maternity leave which takes 2 or 3 years.....

Retirement is the point where a person stops employment completely. A person may also semi-retire by reducing work hours. The standart age for retirement is considered 62, although many individuals choose to retire earlier or later due to personal or financial reasons.....


Workaholic is a man who loves his job and he doesn’t want to do anything else. He works from morning till evening and he doesn’t have any free time which he could spend with his family and friends. I think that it is fine to have a good job and do it perfectly, but it´s also very important to do some hobbies, or to go for a walk and enjoy sport activities.

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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