Human Relations

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: verca123
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 13.09.2013
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 3 426 slov
Počet zobrazení: 11 837
Tlačení: 515
Uložení: 578
Human Relations
- Describe how the people in the pictures are feeling. When did you last feel this way?

- Describe the picture. What is their relationship like? What is important in this kind of relationship?

- Look at these pictures, describe them and try to assess their relationships.

- Describe the people in the picture. Would you like to be a friend with them? Why? Why not? What do you think they are like?

- Look at the pictures and say what they express. Describe the picture you like best and support your choice.
- Try to define the word relationship.
- Name some acts of courtesy.
- What qualities do you appreciate in your friends? What makes someone a special or best friend?
- Why are friendships important to you? Do you still maintain friendships from the past?
- What are some good ways or opportunities to meet new people?
- How many friends do you have? Are they mainly in your school, or, if not, where do they live?
- What qualities do you appreciate in your friends? What makes someone a special or best friend?
- Why are friendships important to you? Do you still maintain friendships from the past?
- How long have you known your best friend? Where did you meet and what do you have in common?
- Tell us about the most interesting person you have ever met.
- Do you think famous people are happier than ordinary people? Why?
- Have you ever got into a friendship that turned out false and disappointing? What made the friendship bad?
- What human qualities contribute to a good friendship?
- Who influenced your values and how?
- What interesting person would you like to meet?

16.  What values do your parents try to teach you?

- What are some reasons for people being poor? Can poverty be avoided?
- What do you think of drug and alcohol problems in the society? Should drugs be legalized?
- Do you give money to people on the street who beg? How can a person lose their home? What may be the reasons?
- Which social problem is of the greatest concern to you? What else in the world worries you?
- What are the reasons of the high unemployment problem in our country?
- What do you think is the most serious problem in the world? Why? /famine, unemployment, homelessness, criminality, poverty/
- Do you think homeless people have chosen their way of life?
- What do you think of the behaviour of sports fans, especially when there is violence or injury? How can hooliganism among sports fans be prevented?
Role-plays and simulations
- How would you help the group of people /the homeless, the criminals, the drug addicts/ and which activities would you organize for them? /Simulation/
2. What activities would you organize for the young people in your town /at school? /Simulation/

- What advice would you give your foreign business partners coming to Slovakia for the first time? Think about different nationalities and situations. /Simulation/

- You are a member of a jury which is going to sentence a criminal to death. You are against the death penalty. What arguments do you have to persuade the other members of the jury? /Simulation/
- Speak about an argument you have had with a friend or a family member. Use the following questions to help you: Who was the argument with? Describe the relationship with the person. How do you get on in general? What was the argument about? Who started it? /How/ did you solve it? /Simulation/

- You are leaving for a disco. Your mother does not like the way you are dressed. She wants you to change it but you are fond of it. You are persuading her that your dress is all right. /Role-play/
Vzťahy medzi ľuďmi
- medziľudské vzťahy /v rodine a v škole, susedské, generačné/
- priateľstvo a láska /hodnotový systém, postoje, stretnutia, oslavy/
- spoločenské problémy /vzťah spoločnosti a jednotlivcov k postihnutým, závislým a bezdomovcom/
- negatívne javy /agresivita, vandalizmus, egoizmus, ľahostajnosť/
- možnosti riešenia konfliktov

Relationship is the way people behave towards each other, feel about each other. While we can have a good or close relationship with some people, we try to be on good terms /to get on well with/ with the others, which means that we have a polite and friendly relationship with especially those we do not know socially.
Formal and informal behaviour
Social behaviour has tended to be less formal in the USA than in Britain but the trend in both countries is towards less formality, especially among young people. In Central Europe the conventions of social behaviour are quite formal which is supported by addressing people in a formal way and only after becoming friends calling each other by first names.
In English words such as Hello, Hi, See you, Bye, Thanks are considered less formal than Good morning, Good-bye. The latter/tie druhé/ are mostly used to a person you have not met before unless you wish to be very formal. An excess /prebytok/ of formality can sometimes seem unfriendly.
Acts of courtesy
Certain acts of courtesy are regarded as normal /holding the door open for someone, taking the end place in a queue, moving aside to pass someone on the pavement, putting a hand over one’s mouth when coughing or yawning/. It is considered impolite to speak with one’s mouth full, to stare at someone. Social conventions also apply to body language.
Keeping a hand in his pocket when a man is being introduced to someone is considered impolite. Women often kiss each other on taking leave, and men and women occasionally do. It is not usual for men to kiss each other even within a family.
Useful vocabulary:
relations, diplomatic relations, public relations, relationship, have a good relationship, get along with, get on with, be on good terms with, relate, to fit in, go out with, be dating, have an affair, romance, flirt
Family relationships
The basis of a family is a mother, a father and a child. But family, it isn\'t only a mother, a father and a child, but there is a grandfather, a grandmother, in-laws, uncles, aunts, cousins, a godfather, a godmother etc.
People have close or distant  relatives, but some people have  no relatives, a lot of  children have no  parents, they are orphans, but  some parents don\'t  want their child  and so the  parents who want a child can adopt this child. These parents are foster parents and this child is a foster child.
There are good relationships in some families. Parents get on well with their children, they don’t have any fight, and they don\'t commit adultery /cudzoložstvo/.
In other families relationships are not so good. Parents don\'t get on well with their children or the husband doesn\'t get on well with his wife. The man keeps a mistress or the woman has a lover. They always have fights and so they have to divorce.
Boys and girls are brought up in different ways, too.  Boys wear blue, girls wear pink, boys play with guns and cars and girls play with dolls.  Boys are  allowed to  make more  noise and cause more  trouble,  while  girls  are  supposed to be more interested in  talking to and understanding  people. They are supposed to be a good wife and to bring up children.
Some parents bring up their children not very good, they spoil their children.  Their children are allowed to do everything what they want. They do not have to help their parents at home. These children don\'t respect their parents and they don\'t know the price of money. They don\'t want to take care of their parents when they are old and they usually send them to pensioner\'s home.
There  is a  generation gap in our society too, because  older people don\'t understand  young people and  young  people  don\'t understand  older people.  They have different opinions and attitudes to life. It isn\'t a new problem.  There always have been generation problems here in our society.
There are a lot of conflict areas between generations. For example: way of dressing. Young people wear jeans, that are often torn and shabby and to big shirts, that have dull colours. They wear high boots. Their hair is untidy. Boys have long hair, they wear pony tails, and their hair is coloured.  Girls wear strike colours on their hair and they wear heavy make-up. As for their behaviour: they are cheeky, they talk back, and they are selfish and rude.  They often smoke and drink alcohol in spite of that that it is forbidden by parents.  Older people don’t like spending children\'s free time. They always watch television too much, they listen to the radio and that is noisy, they go often to the cinema and to the disco, so they spend a lot of money for their free time. A lot of parents don\'t like dating their children. They think, they are too young and they fear for them, because they think that their daughter can be pregnant and then she has to marry very young.  Then she doesn\'t finish school and she can find a worse job or she can be unemployed or she can have a good job, but a small salary.  Parents don\'t like when their children go out too often and their coming home are in the late night. They don\'t learn very well, so the results are horrible.  Their parents  are unhappy, because  children don’t have a  chance  to be accepted to the university and they will  not have very good  job and  they will earn  little money.
A lot of teenagers don\'t like helping their parents. They don\'t like when they have to tidy up, vacuum or work in the garden. But some parents force their children to do some of these things and they forbid them to do almost all things that the other people can do. Parents don\'t trust them and always control them. They interfere with their plans, for example future career or holidays.  Then parents lose their children\'s sympathy and confidence.
I get on well with… I am close to my parents. My parents fear for me. They are unable to be persuaded. They treat him as a child. They are too strict. I do not share their opinions. We are different in many ways. We have certain things in common./ nothing in common. They interfere too much with my plans.
to be close to somebody, to convince sb., to give sb.more freedom, to force sb. to do smtg., to interfere with, to get on well with, to treat sb as a child, to be strict, to loose children’s´ sympathy, to fear for, to be worried about, to allow, to treat, to advise, to give advice, to have nothing in common with the older generation,
I don’t agree with… We share the same opinion.  We get on well but sometimes we must be careful not to argue with them. Whatever I tell my mother, she always argues. We are different from each other.
to take after someone, respect, to admire/look up to, to bring up/raise a child, to be close to, to take someone’s side, the black sheep, scapegoat /baránok/, to put up with/tolerate, to flatter/lichotiť/, get round /prekonat problémy/, reprimand /pokarhať/, tell off /vynadať/, punishment, parents /strict, permissive - zhovievavý, tolerant/, domestic violence, abuse /týranie, zneužívanie//sexual, physical, verbal/

Friendship and love
People who love each other or fall in love have a loving and possibly a sexual relationship.  When people who have a romantic relationship, like in a marriage or dating situation, break up we can also say they split up. If a married couple is separated, it means they have stopped living together. If they decide to officially end the marriage, they get a divorce.
People with the same values usually stick together /držia spolu/, but there is and old saying that opposites attract. When we make friends, we usually try to find people who have similar attitudes towards life as we do. We like to be around people who think like we do and even solve problems in a similar way. But friendship can change into love if people fall in love with each other. Some people don’t believe that a man and a woman can be true friends and that if they say they are ‘just’ friends, one of them must be suffering by suppressing /potlačovať/ his/her real feelings.
•  How many friends do you have? Are they mainly in your school or, if not, where do they live? – I have…friends, but they are not all /close friends/deep relationships/…, I only have …..really good friends. Most of my friends are in my neighbourhood/school/class… I also have friends in ….where /I used to live/my grandparents live/…
•  What qualities do you appreciate in your friends? What makes someone a special or best friend? – I appreciate friends who are sintre /úprimný/ /understanding/ trustworthy /dôveryhodný/…  Friends should also be willing to help one another/ concerned enough to tell each other when the other person is doing something dangerous without realizing it/…, A special friend /likes you despite your faults/will support and help you even if have made a mistake/…., Sometimes /one’s family/a kind relative/…can be worth more than many friends because of /loyalty/patience/…
•  Why are friendships important to you? Do you still maintain friendships from the past? – Friends are important when I need /help with something /to talk to someone/ encouragement/… Without friends I would feel /lonely/sad/empty/… I still maintain my friendship with whom I have known since…., I don‘t have any more friends from the past because I have /moved/gone to a different school/changed my interests/…
•  How long have you known your best friend? Where did you meet and what do you have in common? - I have known my best friend for ….years. We met in/at…., We have the same /hobbies/ interests/ values/….
Values and attitudes
As human being we are influenced in a variety of ways by our family background, upbringing, education and social status. We have different attitudes to life and our opinions and feelings about something are shown in what we say and do. It is said that while private lives are important to the English, work is number one in American priorities.
Values are principles, standards or qualities worthwhile /hodnotné/ or desirable /potrebné/. Our values help us determine the way we act. Many people’s positions on various issues are determined because of the things they value. Values are influenced by society /friends, parents, community, church, TV and newspapers/. It is important to explore and express our own values and analyze the values of others.
•  What type of people do you get along with best? – I like people who /have a sense of humour/are tolerant/show courage/…, I dislike people who are /unpredictable/selfish/…
•  What quality do you admire most in people and which one do you find most objectionable /neprijatelné/? – The trait /črta/ I admire most is /dependability/sincerity /úprimnosť/ /patience/…because…., What I find the most objectionable is /aggressiveness/sarcasm/boastfulness /chvastúnstvo/…because….
•  What behaviour of others hurts you most? When you have upset someone by your actions, what do you try to do? – I am quite upset when other are /hypocritical/lying/thoughtless /…, bezohladnosť/ When I have hurt someone, I /apologize/try to make amends /odškodniť/ hide/…
•  What do you consider to be your good and bad qualities? – My good qualities include being /outgoing/fair/sincere/…, My liabilities are that I am /undependable/argumentative/inquisitive /zvedavý/…
•  What qualities help you to have good relationships with others? – To maintain good relationships with others, I try to be /helpful/kind/thoughtful/…, Other qualities that promote good interpersonal relationships are /forgiveness/not offending/ believing the best/…
•  Do you think that wealth brings lasting happiness? – Money /is necessary to fulfil many needs in life/ can help in some difficult situation/…, Wealth /can temporarily bring happiness/cannot buy some things, such as true love or friendship/…, A lot of money can /make other people envious/spoil relationships/…., Happiness can come from many things other than money, such as /the beauty of nature/a loving family/ a close friend/…
Useful vocabulary:
value /hodnota/, principle /zásada/, standard, quality, honesty, reliability, generosity, respect, responsibility, trust, truth, discipline, meanness /lakomosť/, envy /závisť/, corruption, dishonesty
Good qualities – approachable /vľúdny/, courageous, faithful, forgiving, friendly, generous, grateful /vďačný/, honourable /ctihodný/, humble /skromný/, just /spravodlivý/, loving, polite, positive, reliable, respectful, responsible, sincere, tactful, thoughtful, tolerant, trustworthy, truthful
Bad qualities – aloof /reserved/, cowardly /zbabelý/, unfaithful, unforgiving, unfriendly, stingy /lakomý/, ungrateful, dishonourable, proud, unjust, hateful, rude, negative, unreliable, disrespectful, irresponsible, insincere, tactless, thoughtless, intolerant, untrustworthy, lying


Social problems
Society often faces relationship problems between people of different races, religions and social classes. These negative relationships are usually based on prejudice, illiteracy, intolerance and closed-mindedness. Sometimes people are just rude because they know nothing about the other person or group of people.
Many societies have a certain prejudice against the disabled. In recent years, however, there has been a great improvement in people’s attitudes – their ignorance has been replaces by information, their fear has disappeared and given way to understanding and their pity has been replaced by positive practical help.
Homelessness is mainly a housing problem, but it is also about the breakdown of personal relationships. It is the most extreme form of housing need in that it is a failure of access to a secure home. In Britain, local housing authorities try to house homeless people mainly those with children, pregnant women, elderly people, the disabled, the sick, women in danger of domestic violence, young people at risk of exploitation /vykorisťovanie/. Many single homeless people live in shelters provided by voluntary organizations, but more are sleeping out. The major provision of practical help and support is made by charitable organizations.
Unemployment isn\'t a new problem in our society. A lot of people  are out of work  /unemployed, on the dole, jobless/, because  the  company  has  given  them a notice /they were  sacked, company has to let somebody go/. They get only a living wage. These people should look for vacancies at the unemployment agency. They should take a job on probation. They should do some casual jobs.
•  Do you give money to people on the street who beg? – When I see a beggar, I /give him a little money if I can/want to help, but usually don’t have much money to give/…, U think that often people who beg /want to money for alcohol or drugs and I don’t want to support their addiction/are poor because they are lazy and so don’t  deserve help/…
•  What do you think of drug and alcohol problems in the society? Should drugs be legalised? – I feel that drug and alcohol abuse leads to /increased crime/broken families/destroyed lives/…, I think drugs /should/should not/ be legalised because….
Human rights
Human rights are basic privileges that everyone should receive. Not being discriminated against because of your race, gender or religion, and living free from torture are a few basic human rights. Countries that have problems with human rights include North Kores, Suda and China.
Poverty is a worldwide problem that is the result of many other problems. Countries with a poor educational system often have poorer residents. People living in poverty often commit crimes to support themselves or their families, which leads to unsafe cities. Poor people don’t often have enough to eat, which leads to malnutrition and starvation. Poor countries also may not have a good health care system, which leads to a population that is ill and has many diseases. Poverty is a great problem in African countries /Chad, Nigeria/, Asian countries /Nepal/ and in Europe /Romania/.


Negative issues /aggressiveness, vandalism, egoism/
In Britain hooliganism is often a serious problem because hooligans cause fights and throw things around them. A lot of young people cause considerable vandalism. It is necessary to educate young people how to behave in a polite way.
•  What do you feel should be done about vandalism and hooliganism? – In my opinion, people who damage or destroy public property should be /jailed/made to repair the damage/fined to pay for the destruction/…, I feel that hooligans should be /taken off the streets by police/ tolerated because they are only letting off steam/…


Possibilities of conflict solution
•  What traits or actions make an interpersonal conflict worse? – Misunderstandings become worse when people /get angry/are unforgiving/have pride/…., A conflict is never resolved as long as one or both partners /don’t listen to each other/refuse to admit fault/…

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


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