Motivačný list v angličtine VZOR

Slovenský jazyk » Slohové práce

Autor: wanna (19)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 09.11.2020
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 326 slov
Počet zobrazení: 3 007
Tlačení: 156
Uložení: 145

VZOR motivačného listu v angličtine 

Dear Mrs. XYZ,

This is a letter to express my high interest in the vacant position of HR Specialist – Recruitment and HR Administrator.

In internship, my boss particularly appreciated my communication skills, flexibility, ambition, dedication and hard work. I not only adjusted to the Indian work style, but personally connected with superiors and colleagues. During my studies I underwent several foreign working stays, where I acquiered experience in working with people, independence, adaptability and need to learn and improve constantly. I have a good command of typewriting and work with computer. I speak fluent English.

My main strenghts are flexibility, directness, readiness for change and creativity. I offer a sense for team work and cooperation, responsibility, vigorousness, profesional behaviour and seemliness.

For your review and consideration, I have enclosed my CV with details of my background.

In advance, thank you for your time and attention, I look forward to your response. I welcome the chance to meet with you to discuss your needs and my ability to meet them in more detail. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if I can answer any question.

I give my permission to administer, process and store my personal details in the XYZ s.r.o., company within the framework of the Internet computer network on I declare that all information supplied is true and is supplied voluntarily, of my own accord, and without consequences, in the awareness that the details may be processed for the purposes of a database of job seekers within the Act N. 428/2002 Coll., the Data Protection Act. The permission is given for a definite period of 3 years and, pursuant to §20 section 3 of the above Act, can be revoked in writing at any time within a 30-day period. Once the period of 3 years has elapsed, the information will be deleted.

Yours sincerely

Meno a priezvisko

Bratislava 12th June 2020

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Slovenský jazyk » Slohové práce

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